The process of creating a tax-exempt organization is generally viewed as a difficult process and while the individual steps can be daunting and time consuming, the differences between beginning a corporation and beginning a tax-exempt corporation are largely similar. This article will discuss the chief differences that should be noted when starting a tax-exempt corporation as well as briefly address liability issues with unincorporated organizations and LLCs. The focus of this article is on Nebraska and corporations being formed under its laws, however, because tax-exemption is largely a creature of federal law much of the article is applicable to corporations formed in other states as well so long as care is given to address differences in state corporate law.
When you step into your car, you put a seat belt on. If you don’t, you might get a ticket, or even worse, die. Governmental and social constructs create boundaries for our safety. So, why is there an explosion of an anti-mask movement that believes being forced to wear a mask is a violation of […]
In today’s world, wherever you turn you may run into a tax – income tax, property tax, sales tax, gas tax…… and the list goes on. A question that needs to be answered for our personal injury clients is whether Uncle Sam wants his cut! Like many “law answers” — it depends.