Since the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the more common questions about vaccines is whether the government can make them mandatory. Most of the hesitancy to be vaccinated concerns safety of the various available vaccines. The vaccines currently being used have not gone through the years of testing that other vaccines, such as […]
The term used for an owner of an LLC is “member” and an LLC can have a single member or many members. The difference between the two is fairly obvious, but can be worth addressing. Generally a single member LLC will be managed by that single member, though it is entirely possible that the single member could chose to have a manager run the LLC instead. The single owner LLC generally operates much like a sole proprietorship with the owner exerting full control over the business.
“Under Article I, Section 5, each house of Congress can set its own rules of proceedings. The larger House, where membership reflects the population of each state, has set rules that limit how long members can speak and that reduce their opportunity to block legislation coming to a vote. The smaller Senate, where all states […]