“Under Article I, Section 5, each house of Congress can set its own rules of proceedings. The larger House, where membership reflects the population of each state, has set rules that limit how long members can speak and that reduce their opportunity to block legislation coming to a vote. The smaller Senate, where all states […]
Due to the popular show Game of Thrones, the term “bend the knee” has made its way into public conversations. In the HBO show, the term is basically a submission and a pledge of loyalty to a king or queen. In the real world, the term “bend the knee” has also taken on new significance over the last year. Even if you are not a football fan you probably heard about professional football players kneeling during the National Anthem, which is played before a game is started.
After I concluded my clerkship with Chief Justice Hasting of the Nebraska Supreme Court I moved to San Diego to begin working for a law firm. Within a month or two the executive director of Harmonium, Inc. (a non-profit company dedicated to helping at-risk children and adolescents) asked me to be on their board of […]